21st Century Business Threats: 5 Ways To Protect Your Company

21st Century Business Threats: 5 Ways To Protect Your Company
  • Opening Intro -

    Although the economy has rebounded from a difficult time period last decade, the improvement does not necessarily mean that management will be able to ease up on the throttle controlling operations anytime soon.


There are a range of threats and risks in the current environment that can cause either liability or lost revenue that will keep the average manager on their toes for the foreseeable future. Here are 5 different ways to try and protect your company from 21st century environmental risks and threats.

Get more insurance

It didn’t take long for insurance companies to create new products to cover the latest data threats that face companies all over. You can now avail yourself of data breach coverage as well as data loss coverage- both of which can make any potential meltdown seem not as catastrophic because you won’t be financially clobbered by liability claims.

Talk to your security about liability

A good example is using loud speakers for a company party, BBQ, or event and holding it in the parking lot of your office suite building. No problem, right? Wrong. The problem is that there are other surrounding businesses and there is liability for your business. The key? Talk to your security and ensure that they do not use any speaker systems on pedestrian sidewalks or in the parking lot outside your business.

Teach information ethics

Medical and private date is stolen and published online daily. Stealing customer data and business information seems to be a part of having ‘grit’ for a subset of people that may even work for you. It is therefore a good idea to train your workers on information ethics and have them sign a pledge. That way, if they are stealing from clients and get caught, they can be dismissed without any worries about a lawsuit.

Get remote security

Using security cameras and a security system is a great way to ensure that you have one more step up with making your workplace as safe as possible. If you can’t afford a full-time physical presence at your facilities, consider adding interior cameras and hiring an internet security service that can staff them.

Find a 21st century lawyer

Looking at Carter West as an example, you’ll find that technology has allowed business specialists to be just as effective globally as the giant law firms once were. The upshot is that when they can smoothly close your business division sale regionally or internationally, you know that due to technology, size is no longer as important as specialty.

21st century business threats have become more sophisticated as technology gets better. By leveraging technology that is developed to solve the type of problems that are being caused, you can stay ahead and keep your company protected.



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