Certainly, your degree may very well have prepared you for a specific job, but in today’s economy will that prove good enough for you?
A number of colleges and universities across the nation are offering business immersion curricula, short term yet very intensive courses which can help give students gain an edge in the world of business. Even without focusing on a business career, many students find that these types of programs can round out their studies, equipping them with the tools to succeed in the competitive and fast changing 21st century.
The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business will be holding its own program called Smith Business Edge, an intensive six-week summer program that provides non-business undergraduate students and recent graduates with opportunities to build stronger leadership skills and business acumen.
"The program’s challenging instruction in an innovative and hands-on learning environment is geared to enhance the ability to act decisively in a global business environment," said G. "Anand" Anandalingam, dean of the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. "Young job seekers hoping to stand out in an uncertain economy will gain key assets and advantages."
"The world of business is all-encompassing – whether your future career path is as an artist or engineer, financier or educator – you will make yourself more valuable and relevant to potential employers with an understanding of business fundamentals and marketplace drivers," said Mark Wellman, Tyser Teaching Fellow at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business and the Smith Business Edge program’s academic director. "A six-week investment in Smith Business Edge will impart skills, qualities and credentials that will open doors for years to come."
The Smith Business Edge program has been designed to leverage the strengths of the Smith School’s world-leading undergraduate and graduate programs to offer a thorough comprehension of accounting, finance, marketing and management as taught by the school’s faculty. Participants will also engage with guest speakers, in group projects, and visit businesses such as Southwest Airlines, IKEA and Harley-Davidson to apply their lessons to business life.
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