5 Signs You Should Outsource Data Storage to a Colocation Center

5 Signs You Should Outsource Data Storage to a Colocation Center
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    A rising trend in the business world is the use of colocation centers.

    These data warehouses store servers and equipment that allow businesses to have the storage capacity and the bandwidth they need.


If you are currently hosting your own servers, you may be wondering if it’s time to switch to a colocation center.

Here are five signs the time is now:


1. You don’t have the time or resources to hire your own IT team

Hiring an IT team can be expensive and time consuming, and if you’re not sure what qualities to seek, it can also be confusing. However, when you outsource your storage management needs to a colocation center, you don’t need to worry about hiring your own IT pros. Instead, you can rely on the expertise and experience of the professionals at the colocation facility.

2. You want your IT team to focus on other issues

Data storage, of course, is just one element of your business’s IT needs. In some cases, it makes more sense for your IT workers to focus on improving your website, helping your employees troubleshoot issues with their computers or working on other elements that are essential right now.

As your team focus on those issues, your servers, your data and the security of both of those elements may be compromised. However, if you outsource those needs, you can let your IT team focus on immediate in-house tech needs, without worrying about the security of your data storage.

3. You don’t have the physical space for your servers

In many cases, business managers bring their storage needs to a colocation center because they simply don’t have the physical space to store their own servers. When you use a colocation center, you pay to store your servers there, but you also get expert attention for your needs, and the amount you pay for storage in a warehouse type colocation facility is typically going to be less than you pay for space in a beautiful office in a great location.

4. Your servers are slow

Is it taking a long time for websites to load? Are online apps and programs constantly crashing? If so, your servers may be too slow to handle your needs. That can compromise the productivity of your workers, and it can cause your website to have too much downtime.

When you use a colocation center, you can get access to bigger and better servers, and these facilities can help your business to expand when it’s time. Rather than having to shop for all new equipment on your end, you simply tell the colocation center to help you upgrade.

5. You are worried about industry regulations regarding data storage

All businesses have to keep their data secure. They don’t want to lose banking information, compromise client information or break laws. For certain industries, the last issue is extremely important. For example, if you are in the medical industry, you have to store your medical records in compliance with HIPAA privacy regulations – when you hire a colocation center, they know the ins and outs of industry-specific regulations about storage and security. That ultimately protects your company from liability or criminal charges related to improper data storage.

Have a friend, relative or colleague who needs help with their business’s data storage needs? Then share these ideas and let them know working with a colocation center may be the best option.



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