Therefore, the following five tools will help companies better connect with their customers.
Social Media
Forbes magazine boldly states that social media is an excellent way to improve customer-business relationships. This is because social media facilitates personal information sharing, which includes constructive feedback and online community building. Companies can easily use their social media platform to document their proactive and professional customer service through timely responses to posted complains. Most importantly, social media also provide valuable opportunities to market and advertise for new customers.
Website FAQs
As consumers become tech savvy, their need for customer service may actually decrease. This is because web and mobile knowledgeable consumers prefer to search and find the information themselves. Therefore, websites that have an organized FAQ section with detailed answers will save both the customer and company valuable time. Companies should consider continually adding new questions or problems posed by consumers to the FAQ section.
Live Web Chat Support
Going beyond the FAQ section, some consumers have unique problems that need a live customer service rep to solve. However, complex phone systems with long wait periods deter many customers from engaging companies. Therefore, offering live web chat support is a cost-effective way to provide customer service. Even better, all communication is documented and customer service reps can simultaneously assist multiple customers throughout the day.
Online Surveys
Online surveys and questionnaires are a great way to simultaneously elicit feedback in tandem with marketing campaigns. That is, online surveys provide excellent opportunities for companies to benchmark customers’ satisfaction and preferences. Online surveys are a reliable source of actionable business intelligence. Additionally, customers who respond to surveys can be rewarded with targeted rebates and coupons to increase online conversions.
Innovative messaging
Consumers are busier than ever and do not have the time to read lengthy emails or direct mail. In fact, every consumer has their own engagement preference, whether it be through an app, website or mobile phone. Therefore, allowing customers to choose their engagement channel is an excellent way to non-invasively connect with customers. Business instant messaging is a great way to offer excellent customer service.
Overall, engaging and connecting with customers is extremely important for all businesses. It’s important to use all the tools available to improve customer service.
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