Out of the Office: Venue Ideas for Your Next Company Party

Out of the Office: Venue Ideas for Your Next Company Party
  • Opening Intro -

    Company parties are events all your employees should look forward to.

    They have the potential to benefit your company with more team-building, increased productivity, and boosted employee morale.


Because these events are few and far between based on budgets or company size, making them memorable and fun is critical. Holding them in locations that are new and interesting will compound the benefits, and the following four venues have the potential to do just that.

Local Parks

During the warmer months, take the activities outside. Parks with lakes, pavilions, and picnic areas are excellent places with a serene backdrop and fresh air. Barbecues with a variety of meats including the all-time favorites like hamburgers and hot dogs are just the beginning. Adding a fish fry, hush puppies, or vegetable kebob bring in a bit more spice. Start a tradition with an eating contest or cook-off contest. Have the spread set-up with several stations including ice cream and cotton candy.

Formal Conference Centers

It is always a great idea to host a company party where awards can be passed out and you can recognize employee accomplishments. Categories that encourage perfect attendance or hitting sales goals are a must. Specific departments can also be showcased, which blankets a group of workers at one time. This can also be time for employees to dress up for a full-course dinner or dance party. Noah’s Event Venues are an example of an elegant space with state-of-the-art video equipment, and tables you can rent for a reasonable price.

Arcade Centers

The best way to create a fun atmosphere is to hold a company party at an arcade center. There should be bowling, billiards, and video games for employees to move from area to area. Consider starting bowling teams that compete on a regular basis after the event is over. This is an on-going activity that promotes inter-office unity and team building.

Comedy Clubs

Get the whole crew laughing during company parties with entertainment at a comedy club. Follow the show with music, food, and drink. Look for locations with a dance floor and karaoke and hold a dance and karaoke contest with prizes for first, second, and third place. Use this opportunity to have game stations such as trivia, charades, and more.

These ideas will have employees talking around the water cooler and at home. Consideration for the day of the week is key. Aim for Fridays where they can head home for a long and relaxing weekend. A caveat is to hold raffles with time off at each function. Keep the venues interesting and full of relevant activities that cultivate team building.

“Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.”



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