Nevertheless, there are also great alternatives to consider. Diversifying your investment portfolio is always a good thing to do and we now have plenty of opportunities to invest in. As we get closer to 2018, here are the 5 investments you should add to your portfolio.
Real Estate
The real estate market is more attractive than ever, especially with the increasing popularity of holiday rentals and vacation homes. You still have to do your due diligence when choosing a property to invest in, but the rest of the process is very manageable.
For starters, you have more financing options to work with. Banks and financial institutions now offer competitive loans for real estate investors. You can also earn income from renting out the investment properties in your portfolio.
Your Own Business
Starting a business is another investment to consider in 2018. Thanks to ecommerce and the steady growth of the market, there are plenty of opportunities to grab in various industries. You can establish your own ecommerce site, start a new tech company, or even offer professional services as a freelancer. More importantly, you can do all of these things online.
Peer-to-Peer Lending
If the interest rate or potential gain offered by financial institutions doesn’;t excite you, it is definitely time to look into the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending market. Instead of saving your money and letting the bank take control of lending that money out, you now have direct access to debtors through P2P lending platforms.
Debtors can offer a much better return on your investment. The lack of middlemen means you earn more for every dollar you invest and will not have to worry about fees and other costs. Even top sites such as are recommending P2P lending as a great way to invest.
Bitcoin is recently on the news every day of the week. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are showing high volatility; the value of Bitcoin alone jumped from around $1,000 to more than $17,000 in 2017. Joining the action is worth considering if you’;re looking for an investment opportunity for 2018.
Keep in mind that the risk-return trade-off principle applies. The high market volatility means you can gain a lot in a short period of time; it also means you can lose just as much.
To complete our list, we have gold as an investment instrument to consider. The purpose of investing in gold is not to earn capital gains, but rather to maintain the value of your wealth over a longer period of time. It is a great instrument to use while you search for other, more exciting investment opportunities to engage.
These are the 5 investments to consider in 2018. Whether you’;re trying to boost your gain or you simply want to diversify your investment portfolio, the instruments we discussed in this article are certainly worth looking into.
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