How to Craft Exceptional Workplace Safety Policies

How to Craft Exceptional Workplace Safety Policies
  • Opening Intro -

    Safety policies save time, money, agony, and lives.

    They keep workers cognizant of dangers.

    They keep managers vigilant.


When crafting a safety policy, experts recommend consulting knowledgeable sources, making the policy clear, concise, and complete, and committing it to writing in a safety manual. Here are some important steps in creating a thorough safety policy.

Writing a Winning Safety Policy

Before creating a policy, gather all the relevant information. One important step thorough HR managers take is consulting with employees who regularly complete the task or use the machinery referred to in a policy. These employees know best how to complete the work and what potential pitfalls can cause injury.

Other resources include your company’s insurance carrier’s safety specialist. The insurance company has a vested interest in ensuring your company remains accident-free. Government agencies also provide resources that can assist in creating safety policies.

Once the necessary steps for the policy are clear, create a draft that is as thorough and concise as possible. Have it reviewed internally for clarity and completeness, then have it reviewed by legal counsel. A legal opinion ensures the policy complies with all regulations. Remember, the policy could become evidence in litigation down the road.

Use Safety Courses to Craft Policies

When creating a safety policy for a specific piece of equipment, use the information from a safety course on the machine.

For example, if crafting the safety policy for an elevated work platform, taking a safety course can provide all the information you need. For example, Australia Wide Forklift Training Centre provides comprehensive training on elevated work platforms. This includes safe setup, operation, and decommissioning.

Creating Your Safety Manual

Always commit safety procedures to an official company document contained in your company’s safety manual. Employees must go through training on these procedures and demonstrate their knowledge. Generally, a safety course, quiz, and having the employees sign off on the policy are sufficient for holding employees accountable.

A comprehensive safety manual includes general safety procedures as well as specific ones. Good manuals outline procedures for situations such as fires, explosions, and natural disasters, explains Entrepreneur.

They also outline procedures for any catastrophes a specific business may face. For example, a marine business needs procedures for a sinking vessel, and a dog grooming business needs procedures for preventing and treating dog bites.

In addition to safety procedures, manuals need safety policies for completing routine tasks that are hazardous and for operating machinery. Good policies are specific, clear, and nonnegotiable.

Emphasize the Policy in Meetings

The best safety policies mean little if no one pays attention. Regular safety meetings provide the opportunity to train and refresh employees on safety policies. They also make clear that the company is serious about safety.

Safety can never be overemphasized. One accident can lead to devastating consequences for your business. A thoughtfully constructed, well-researched safety policy makes certain your operation remains safe.

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