How to Create an Effective 5 Step Business Marketing Strategy – Part 1

How to Create an Effective 5 Step Business Marketing Strategy – Part 1

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  • Opening Intro -

    The Business Marketing can be defined as the whole set of promotional actions that have the objective of capturing new customers and meeting the demands and loyalty of the current ones, guaranteeing the success of the organization.


There are several actions that your company must invest to make an efficient Business Marketing. Among the best practices, we can highlight:

1. Know the 4 Ps of Marketing

The 4 Ps of marketing are the basis for building any promotional strategy. Without knowing these 4 elements in depth, the chances are that your company will not achieve your marketing goals.
The 4 Ps of marketing are:

  • I. Product

    The product P refers to what your company is offering its consumers, is it a product itself or even a service.

    To stand out from your competitors, the ideal is that your company can present clear differentials in the design of its products, elements that make it unique and thus desirable by its target audience.

  • II. Price

    As its name suggests, the price is the monetary value that your company’s customers will have to pay to purchase their products or services.

    In addition to being directly related to your organization’s profits, pricing can help attract public attention to your business.

  • III. Place

    The place is the commercial point of the company, the place where the products and the services are commercialized. It refers not only to the physical location but also to all the virtual environments in which your business is embedded, such as a website and an e-commerce. It is one of the elements that most influence the consumer experience of your customer.

  • IV. Promotion

    The promotion is directly related to the disclosure of the products and services of your company, involving all the channels that will be used to make your company known in the market, whether digital or traditional. Ideally, your company should invest in the channels on which its customers are present. Thus, all your communication will be more efficient, generating better results for the organization.

2) Know Your Business Audience Well

Knowing your company’s audience well is also very important for building a Business Marketing strategy. It is knowing your audience well that you will be able to create more efficient messages, able to inspire and make your customers want the solutions presented by your company.

Knowing your audience can also help you create better sales pitches, helping you improve your business profits. And do not forget: Knowing your company’s audience is more than setting your target audience. This also involves the development of buyer personas and the understanding of the doubts and problems that your client faces in the day to day.

(will continue discussion on Thursday)

other valuable resources:

continue onto part 2

Image Credit: Pixabay

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CFOne Business Managment Reference:

GUIDE: market planning model
Amazon Bestsellers: Small Business Research

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The Everything Start Your Own Business Book, 4Th Edition: New and updated strategies for running a successful business (Everything series)
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How to Develop a Winning Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Proposal: Government Contracting Knowledge Series
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Last update on 2019-04-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API



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