How to Make Your Product Stand Out on Shelves

How to Make Your Product Stand Out on Shelves
  • Opening Intro -

    If your product is one that sits on the shelves of big-box stores, you have a lot to consider.

    The greatest worry, of course, is how to make your product stand out on the shelves over every other competitor's product.


You can spend hours and hours working and reworking your product, wasting precious funds and man-hours the entire time, or you can check out this short guide to making sure customers notice your product first.

Keep the Design Simple

The first myth about product packaging that needs to be busted is that the more it stands out visually, the more customers will want to buy it.

If a customer sees a package that has tons of bright colors, graphic elements, and fine print written all over it, they won’t want to waste time looking at all those things.

Make sure that your product’s visual elements reflect the clientele you are targeting and that only the most important points about your product are easily visible on the front.

Be Careful With Color

Color theory and the psychology of color is a complicated but necessary aspect of attractive packaging. The color of your packaging must also reflect the way you want customers to feel about your product.

If you are selling a product that is meant for relaxation, bright reds and yellows are not going to inspire confidence in your customers. If you are selling a product for kids, don’t use dull and muted tones; those colors simply won’t grab their attention.

Consider the Size

The bigger the packaging, the more it sticks out on the shelves, right? Unfortunately, it is not that easy. Bigger packaging may make a statement on store shelves, but the cost to produce such a large piece is significantly higher.

If your packaging is boring or uninformative, it won’t matter how big the package is—potential customers will simply pass your product by. You also have to consider the limited shelf space in stores, meaning there will be less room for more of your product as its size increases.

other valuable tips:

Smaller packaging costs you less in the long run.

Show Off Proudly

While your packaging is important, customers really want to see the product itself. Don’t be afraid to use transparent packaging to show off what your product really looks like. This creates a sense of trust in the product because a customer knows exactly what they are getting, rather than just a vague description of what is inside the box.

Clear plastic packaging is also much easier to shape into the exact position needed to keep your product safe from damage during shipping and handling.

Do not let your product be left on the shelves collecting dust! If you aren’t sure how to make your product stand out on shelves, these tips can help your product shine.

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