How To Build Your Locksmith Business

How To Build Your Locksmith Business
  • Opening Intro -

    When you spend each day pouring your heart and skills into your business, it’s difficult to find the time to focus on future growth.

    If you run or operate a small business, this is even more challenging—especially if you run a trade-based operation.


Read about how to build your locksmith business.

Craft a Business Plan

The first step in building any business is to create a well-developed business plan. Whether you’re just starting out or you want to revamp your operations, you must begin with your business plan.

A typical plan includes items like your budget, company description, organization, and management. If you already have a business plan drawn up, take the time to comb over every line item and detail to make sure it’s feasible.

Your business plan will be your tool to win over investors and file taxes with the government. If you’re already in business, you should adjust your budget and information to account for your real day-to-day expenses.

This way, if you apply for a loan or reach out to people for more investments, you have an accurate picture to share.

Research the Local Market

In your area, do people experience break-ins? How many people report lock trouble? Do people drive themselves or take public transport?

All of these questions and more will determine how you shape your marketing and services to meet people’s needs. Researching the local market is one of the best ways to build your business.

When you know how your skills can meet the needs of those in the community, you can target those populations more specifically.

Assemble Your Team and Tools

As a locksmith, you’re a trades person who possesses unique experiences and skills few others have. While this sets you apart in the services market, it also distinguishes you in your professional field.

You may not be able to handle all your calls and tasks alone, so consider hiring an office administrator, an apprentice or two, and someone to handle your financials. If you want to expand to more than one location, you’ll also need to find the staff to run those extra jobs and offices.

You’ll also need to assemble your tools and equipment for the job. While you’ve likely collected items throughout your years with locks, you should make sure to get all your other locksmith supplies.

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The tools you choose will depend on the services you offer. Will you work primarily with residential locks? What about automotive and private safe locks? Will you branch out into digital locks?

Each of these tasks requires specialized tools that will jimmy your client’s locks open.

Knowing how to build your locksmith business can take your small one-person show and make it into a multi-location operation.

People will always need your services, especially for lock-related emergencies, so dig into your customer pool and start growing your business today.

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CFOne Business Management Reference:

GUIDE: business exit model



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