Things To Consider Before Shipping Cargo Overseas

Things To Consider Before Shipping Cargo Overseas
  • Opening Intro -

    The freighting industry wouldn’t be the same without its ability to ship cargo overseas.

    After all, it allows us to do business with people across the world.


However, because these shipments travel so far from home, a few things need to happen before they can make it through international customs. Explore some of the primary criteria your shipments should meet before sending them abroad.

Custom Regulations and Fees

Custom regulations and fees are among the first things to consider before shipping cargo overseas. If you expect your load to get approval for transit, all containers and the goods within them must meet the official criteria of international customs. This means ensuring that the weight and size of your shipments do not exceed customs restrictions.

Moreover, the goods you’re attempting to ship must fall under one of the approved categories for overseas freight. And if you’re shipping perishables, you must adhere to another set of specific guidelines. International shipping also involves certain fees and taxes.

So make sure that you review and understand how custom regulations and fees will apply to your freight. Doing so will help you prepare your shipments adequately to send them off with a bit more ease.

Medium of Transportation and Packaging

International shipping happens in various ways, depending on the location. But when shipping something across the ocean, your cargo will arrive at its destination by boat or plane. Either way, when you’re shipping massive loads overseas, you want to consider:

  1. Which form of transit is appropriate for your cargo
  2. What type of packaging you’ll need to protect your goods sufficiently

Be mindful; certain kinds of cargo travel much better by air than by boat and vice versa. So consider the type of goods you send off before selecting a medium of transportation.

Further, once you select the best form of transportation, look into the best type of packaging and securing systems for your freight. Doing so will help you avoid losing containers at sea and general damage to your shipments.

Required Documents

Like any other type of international travel, getting your cargo through customs involves paperwork. This is especially true when you’re shipping sizeable freight. There are quite a few documents you need to have filled out and ready to go. But the following are a few of the most crucial:

  • Commercial and proforma invoices
  • Packing lists
  • Certificates of origin

Safety data sheets and a shipper’s letters of instructions are also examples of the documentation you need to have on hand. Having these things available ensures that your shipments will gain approval and successfully make it past customs. So make sure that filling out the proper paperwork is high on your list of things to consider before shipping cargo overseas.

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Hopefully, this quick guide provided valuable insight into what you need to do to prepare your overseas shipments properly. And while the process may seem tedious, having the proper paperwork, packaging, and medium of transportation will ensure that your goods make it to their destination safely and intact.

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