Best Methods of Deburring for Metal Working

Best Methods of Deburring for Metal Working
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    When you think about metal parts for any construction or manufacturing project, you imagine sleek structures with no flaws that fit perfectly where they belong.

    These pieces of metal are painstakingly shaped and reshaped in metalworking shops to attain the perfect finish.


With metalwork, jagged lines often occur because that is simply part of the process.

However, this will require you to buff those burrs out, as failure to do so can result in injury or the piece not fitting as it should. As such, here are the best methods of deburring for metal working.

Why Deburr?

Deburring is an incredibly important aspect of metalworking for many different reasons. A burr is a rough edge on a piece of metal that can jeopardize the piece’s integrity, affect assembly, and lead to complete product failure.

That is why it is crucial you remove burrs as soon as possible, as this will help improve and optimize your metal deburring process as a whole. However, what works for one industry, may not work for all, which is why you should know about the varying deburring methods for metal working. You can choose which works best for your shop or warehouse.

Thermal Deburring

Thermal deburring removes burrs from metal objects using high heat levels that burst for milliseconds at a time. These bursts of high heat occur during methane gas combustion within a pressurized chamber and burn away the burrs.

Thermal deburring is a method that is best for small parts made from aluminum, zinc, and steel but is not optimal for removing burrs from magnesium metals.

Deburring Manually

Manual deburring is a method that requires a highly experienced technician to buff out rough edges on a metal surface by hand. While this method allows for greater detail that some machines can’t replicate, it is quite time-consuming.

That is why manual deburring is not optimal for large industrial manufacturing companies with high output. Manual deburring is a method that is best for smaller shops that have a lower output of production.

Brushing Method

Brushing is quite similar to manual deburring. With this method, you will use a variety of brushes to remove burrs. Deburring brushes will have an abrasive material that works away at any protrusions. There is quite a lot of variety with brushing as the brushes are attached to a machine, allowing this deburring process to become automated if needed.

Vibratory Tumbler

When it comes to mass finishing, many industries rely upon industrial vibratory tumblers to smoothen any burrs or rough edges from their metal pieces. A vibratory tumbler significantly speeds up production because it has the ability to deburr many pieces at a time.

This method removes burrs through fine and consistent vibrations that reveal a smoothened product without jeopardizing its shape.

Electrochemical Deburring

Electrochemical energy finishes pieces by using an anodic metal dissolution to blast away burrs while still leaving the remaining metal in its original form. Deburring with the electrochemical process works best for metal pieces that are challenging and burrs that are hard to reach.

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