3 Warning Signs Your Heavy Equipment Is Damaged

3 Warning Signs Your Heavy Equipment Is Damaged
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    Heavy construction equipment can simplify your work and make everything go more smoothly, no matter what type of task you need it for. With all the wear and tear, it’s only a matter of time before parts are damaged and need replacement.


Heavy construction equipment can simplify your work and make everything go more smoothly, no matter what type of task you need it for. With all the wear and tear, it’s only a matter of time before parts are damaged and need replacement.

Finding and repairing the signs of equipment failure beforehand will protect operators and others on the worksite from accidents, making it easier to get things done. If you want to ensure continuous worksite operations, pay attention to these warning signs your heavy equipment is damaged.

Sensors and Lights Are Activated

Like other vehicles, heavy equipment and machinery contain sensors that monitor the state of the engine and provide a warning when something goes wrong. While a yellow light might mean that a component should be checked as soon as possible, a red light should be acted on immediately.

Paying attention to error messages and hazard lights gives you time to stop and do repairs before long-term damage occurs. Stop operating the equipment immediately if you see a sensor or light activated. Check to see if fluid levels are low and ensure everything is functioning correctly before returning to work. Ensure anyone operating the equipment has read and understood the owner’s manual so they can act accordingly.

You See Unusual Exhaust Smoke

Another obvious indicator of damage to your heavy equipment is the presence of unusual exhaust smoke. White or grey smoke can signal that the engine is burning coolant, which usually means you have a blown head gasket or something more serious.

If you see thick, discolored plumes of smoke coming from your equipment, there’s likely a real issue that needs to be addressed. You may find that it’s simply a leaky exhaust or another minor problem, but it’s always good to be sure when working on large projects. Proactive maintenance is just one of many ways to save money on heavy equipment repairs.

Equipment Makes Strange Noises

Worksites can get pretty noisy, but you should still be vigilant of any strange sounds coming from heavy equipment. Pieces wear out, and without proper attention, they can lead to worse problems down the road.

Equipment making loud sounds should be properly inspected to avoid mechanical failure during operation. Strange noises can be caused by low oil levels, loose or rusty parts, or bare metal banging against the body. Rattles, knocks, and grinding noises should be taken seriously since they usually indicate an underlying problem.

Practice Good Maintenance and Proper Care

Heavy equipment plays a crucial role in the day to day of worksite operations. In many cases, damage can go unnoticed, leading to catastrophic failure.

Knowing the warning signs when heavy equipment is damaged can go a long way in promoting best practices. By caring for your heavy equipment and performing regular maintenance, you’ll have all you need to complete the task at hand.

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