The Most Common Commercial Building Code Violations

The Most Common Commercial Building Code Violations
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    As a contractor, you need to know and follow many parts of a community’s building code before installing anything inside or outside the structure.

    Understanding building guidelines helps you know what is and isn’t acceptable.


You can learn more from the National Institute of Standards and Technology on building code comprehension. In the NIST’s blog on understanding building codes, building codes are minimum requirements for how a structure’s systems must be set up. If you don’t follow these rules, you risk being forced to demolish and pay fines.

Every contractor must comply with building codes. Here is a helpful guide on the most common commercial building code violations.

There Aren’t Enough Exits in the Building

An egress count defines the number of exits in a building. The front of the building cannot be the only entryway or exit—if a fire breaks out, employees and visitors would have difficulty exiting the structure. Contractors must ensure they add the correct number of exits for every hallway, staircase, and waiting room so guests and workers can safely exit when prompted.

Circuits Aren’t Labeled Correctly

Labeling the circuit box might slip your mind. If you aren’t doing the electrical work yourself, hiring someone who can correctly identify every switch on the circuit board is essential. When another person works on it later, they won’t touch the wrong button thanks to your labels.

Balcony Railings Fail To Meet Building Regulations

Ensuring the balcony railings meet building codes is essential if your building has a patio or balcony. It can be tricky to make your balcony railings compliant with building codes. One part of the building code states to use specific materials, such as cement, wood, and stainless steel. However, there might be restrictions. You can check for material restrictions for balconies and patios by contacting the local building authority.

Suppose a builder has recently looked into mounting stainless steel cable railings. In that case, they may find that their local area building codes prohibit stainless steel cable railings unless they are perpendicular.

It’s always best to check with the local building inspector to find out what you can and can’t use on a building’s exterior. Additionally, know how long stainless steel cable railings last to maximize material efficiency.

Air Pockets in the Insulation

Your walls, vents, windows, and electrical wear need insulation. It keeps air from seeping through cracks, holes, and broken seals in your building. By catching insulation issues early, you can prevent your building from forming air pockets.

Air pockets can become issues with energy and electrical costs. Avoid this violation by checking and sealing the ductwork, windows, doors, and anywhere else with holes in the walls that access the outdoors.

Ensure you understand your community’s building codes before starting, and keep these common violations in mind to avoid them. After reading this blog, contact your local building authority for information on the restrictions your project faces and how to work around them.



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