How To Prepare Your Commercial Property for Summer

How To Prepare Your Commercial Property for Summer
  • Opening Intro -

    Taking care of a commercial property is different from maintaining a residential property.

    It has another set of challenges.


And depending on the purpose of your commercial property, there will be specific areas you need to watch out for. But all property owners should perform a standard list of tasks. Here’s how to prepare your commercial property for the summer.

Check the Gutters

Clean out the gutters and remove all leaves, twigs, branches, debris, and whatever else might be stuck up there. You can expect to see some sunshine during the summer, but there will be rainy days too.

And on those days, it’s important that the fall flows through the gutters without encountering any blockage. Blocked gutters could lead to water damage or mold growth. Try to clean the gutters twice a year to avoid these problems. Now is a great time to perform the task before the weather gets too hot.

Check the Roof

While you’ve got someone up there cleaning the gutters, you might as well schedule a roof maintenance check too. Check for damaged or broken shingles. Any water leakage coming from the roof means there is some damage. Stop this from becoming a possibility.

Roof maintenance needs to happen twice a year. Looking your roof over before the more drastic seasons approach is the best time and strategy. Spring and fall are the best times to handle it. Plus, performing roof maintenance when the sun is blasting and the air is thick is never a good idea.

Check the Windows

It’s important to monitor every window on the property. Pay close attention to ledges and seals. If these areas are damaged or wearing away, water and mold can leak inside.

After a grueling fall and winter, you want your windows to sparkle and shine. Not all property owners know how often they should power wash their windows, but giving them a good scrub and rinse once the weather gets good is always best.

Check the Greens

Neglecting to maintain the landscaping during the fall and winter months is common. But the good news is there’s always a chance to redeem yourself. With the proper caring routine, the landscaping on the property will get that lush, full, and healthy green look back.

Start by clearing away all the clutter and debris from the previous seasons. Once the grass is clear, prepare to water and fertilize the ground by aerating it. Open it up so water and oxygen can flow easily. Plus, it allows the fertilizer to penetrate deeper.

Check the HVAC System

Summertime means AC, and AC means making sure the HVAC system works. It would be terrible if you went to turn it on and nothing happened.

Avoid making the inside of your commercial property feel like a toaster oven. Schedule for the experts to come and look at the system now. Right now, the AC is off and the temperature outside isn’t stifling.

Prepare your commercial property for the summer so it’s another easy season for your business.

Image Credit: Adobe royalty-free stock image: 516187430



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