Hidden Benefits: How HSAs Can Boost Your Dental Health Budget
When it comes to taking care of our health, we often focus on the basics – eating right, staying active, and getting regular check-ups.
How Tech Salaries are Faring During the Pandemic
It’s never a bad time to turn to technology-related professions. At least that’s what the 2020 LinkedIn US Emerging Jobs Report indicates.
How to Negotiate Your Salary During an Interview
When an employer extends a job offer, they often increase salary to motivate the employees. However, if you don’t feel the pay aligns with your skills, career level, and strengths, then you have to do something to get what you deserve.
Workers’ Compensation: The Ins and Outs Every Manager Needs to Know
If you work in management, then a strong understanding of the fundamentals of workers’ compensation is imperative.
Four Employee Perks and Benefits Your Business Should Be Offering
The benefits package you offer your staff can say a lot about your business as a potential place to work.
How to Get the Most Compensation out of a Workers Comp Case
If you’re hurt on the job, there’s a good chance you’ll use the worker’s compensation system to recover for your damages. You want to make sure that you get everything that you deserve.
What Most Entrepreneurs Forget About Providing Benefits
There are many different kinds of perks that companies give out to reward workers in return for loyalty. People are much more likely to choose the companies that provide these extra benefits.
Severance Laws All New Employers Need to Know
In most instances, employers are not required by severance pay laws to offer parting packages to terminated staff, but in some cases, it makes sense to go ahead and do so.
Want to See Success in the Workplace? Give Your Employees Incentives
Running a successful business rarely comes without a handful of challenges and often times it is directly related to your employees. Every employer knows that employees are the life or death of a company and there are many things to consider to keep the “ship running smoothly”.
Should You Provide Food in Your Break Room?
Many employees’ mornings are spent counting down the hours until their lunch break, only dispersed by intermittent trips to the break room to fill up on their life-saving cups of instant coffee. Although an office is a place of work, does that mean you shouldn’t provide any amenities to your workers that they could obtain themselves? Not so.
Six Companies Taking the Lead in Benefits Packages
When the economy plummets, benefits packages are often one of the first perks to get cut. Companies that go against the grain and increase or keep their excellent benefits packages intact deserve some extra praise.
Employee of the Month: How to Pinpoint Your Hardest Working Employees
A high employee turnover rate is something every business wants to avoid. It’s not only important to keep all your staff happy, but to recognize and reward your hardest working employees.
Critical Insights for Your Workers’ Compensation Claim
According to the Dept. of Labor, over 270,000 workers’ compensation claims have been filed from January to July of 2015. During these seven months, over nine billion dollars of compensation and medical bills have been paid.
Working Wellness: What You can do as a Manager to Keep Employees Safe
Tweet They must take it upon themselves to get employees engaged when it comes to on-the-job safety and awareness. Complete safety in the workplace requires engaging employees on many different
5 Ways Obamacare May Be Affecting Your Small Business
There are many ways that the current healthcare legislation will make things potentially difficult for small businesses. Business owners with 50 employees are more will be required to purchase insurance plans for 100% of their employees or have to pay a penalty.
How to Pay Your Employees What They Are Worth
You know how to run your business quite well, keeping on top of the cost of materials, utilities as well as what your competitors are charging. What may mystify you are salary pay scales, specifically, the amount of compensation and benefits any particular employee should receive.