Marketing Management

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Too Shy to Connect: How to Survive Networking Events

You are a talented individual, one that many business owners would love to have as part of their team. That talent, however, may not be recognized beyond your present circle for one big reason: you are introverted and networking is the hardest thing for you to do.


Effectively Advertise Your Business Apart from the Internet

To attract new customers, you must advertise your business. The Internet is an important way to reach people as it helps you to do so in ways that can certainly benefit your business.

Customer Service

Difficult Customers and How to Deal With Them

Every business has them: customers who are difficult, causing much strain as you go about your work.

Sales Planning

Smart Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Your business is wallowing where it should be thriving. You’ve tried the usual marketing initiatives, including newspaper advertising, radio spots and direct mail marketing.

Marketing Management

From Dreams to Reality: How to Turn Your Good Idea into a Real Product

Entrepreneurs and product designers alike have great ideas for the products they want to use as their ticket to a new business venture. However, once an idea for a great product is formulated, the process often stops there.


7 Tips for Effective Business Networking

The key for every small business? Networking, as meaning, “Developing and using contacts made in business for purposes beyond the reason for the initial contact.”

Sales Management

Sales Management: Introduction

In the world of business, sales could mean everything in the overall survival of a company. Sales is the foundation of any business especially in tight economic times as businesses compete for limited dollars spent in economic consumption.