Here’s how to make the most of your worker’s compensate case:
Make Your Report Right Away
In a worker’s compensation case, you have only a limited amount of time to make your claim. The sooner you make your complaint, the less likely you are to run into issues with your employer trying to claim that your injuries didn’t come from the accident. Making your report right away makes sure that your employer knows of your injuries, so that they can get the ball rolling on paying for your losses.
Get Medical Treatment
To get compensation for your injuries, you need to document what they are. That means getting medical treatment right away. You should head straight to the doctor, or visit a doctor as soon as you can. Your treatment providers can give you third-party verification of your injuries. They can also make sure that you don’t have additional injuries that you’re not aware of.
Write Down Your Version of Events
As soon as you’re able, sit down and write out what happened. You may be surprised at how quickly you can forget details after the accident. Even if you think a detail might not be important, write it down just in case.
It’s also important to write down names of witnesses or others working at the time. They can help verify your version of events if your employer tries to dispute any parts of your story. If you need to, you or an attorney from a law firm like Trammell and Mills Law Firm LLC can help you follow up with these witnesses.
Keep Records
You never know what questions or issues might come up in the case. Whatever documentation you have, make a file and keep it. When you make a report of your injury, keep a copy of it. Save copies of all of your medical records and bills. Whatever other papers, photos, bills or other paperwork comes your way, save it just in case.
Maximizing Your Claim
The purpose of worker’s compensation is to make sure you’re treated fairly when you’re hurt at work. There are things that you can do in order to make sure that the process works as it should. Making the right reports, getting the right medical treatment and making sure you’re saving everything as you go can help you get the most out of your worker’s compensation case.
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