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Raising Capital

Financing Tips for Building Your First Company

Small businesses are extremely fragile during their start-up phase. If you would like to get your business off to a smooth start so it can survive for years to come, you’ll need to do a great deal of planning.


Hints on Hosting a Perfect Startup Party

Brand promotion and corporate visibility are of utmost importance for every up-and-coming business, so if you want to attract new clients fast, advertise new products or just celebrate your company’s first steps on the path to success, it would be a good idea to throw a startup party.

Small Business Tips

Six Tips for Creating Your Own Company at Home

Home businesses might be more common than you think— over half of all American businesses are home-based, and even huge corporations like Apple often start out in someone’s basement or garage.

Employee Safety

Five Tips for Keeping Your Employees and Customers Safe

When you wake up and go to work, the last thing you think about is a work-related tragedy or accident. However uncommon you might think they are, workplace accidents or injuries can take a disastrous toll on you, your employees, or your customers.

Storage & Shipping

Is Renting a Container for Your Business a Good Idea?

You have probably heard at least something about renting containers for business purposes. There are various options available and if you have not had the time to go into detail about the specifics and possible gains and loses perhaps it was high time you invested some time into the matter.

Entrepreneur Tips

Business 101: What Every Startup Needs For Success

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of the American economy. Startup companies are a great way for aspiring small business owners to offer beneficial products and services to the community while fulfilling their personal dreams.

Small Business Tips

What Are The Best Ways To Save Money With Your Home Business?

A home business can provide many benefits such as schedule flexibility, and little to no commute. Although the overhead for a home business is much lower than a brick-and-mortar company, being smart about how you spend your money can go a long way towards ensuring your business remains viable.

Customer Service

Phone Etiquette 101: Tips for Improving Call Center Sales

Many of the employees who work in call centers are used to answering the types of questions that regularly come up. With that said, they’re not necessarily born salespeople and so dealing with call center sales may not come naturally to them.

Sales Planning

How to Implement a Killer Marketing Strategy without Much Money

If you’ve just started your own business and don’t have a very large budget, the idea of spending money on expensive marketing campaigns may be filling you with dread.