4 Innovative Ways To Increase Employee Engagement

4 Innovative Ways To Increase Employee Engagement
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    Evidence has shown that businesses do better overall when their employees are actively involved in their work and feel a part of the company.

    This concept is known as employee engagement.


Engaged employees have higher satisfaction on the job.

This often spills over positively into their work, leading to better customer relations and improved profits. It also makes sense that satisfied workers remain on the job longer. Less turnover is almost always beneficial to the bottom line. So we know that engaging staff is important. Now let’s take a look at four innovative ways to increase employee engagement to help you get back on track with regard to improving your work environment

Get Down and Dirty

This advice is for the upper management folks. The administrative echelon needs to follow the same set of guidelines as the less prestigious positions are expected to uphold. Doing so creates a cohesive unit of respect, one in which everyone feels a part. This also means that your big wigs should be seen, rather than sequestered among themselves. This kind of transparency and involvement sends the message that your office is a safe place for engagement because no one is exempt and everyone is in it together.

Employ Technology

Everyone is on their smartphones or tablets these days. These electronic devices don’t have to be seen as only a distraction or addiction. You can actually put them to work to help increase the productivity, confidence and performance, all while having fun. There are all apps and programs available to ensure new employees are receiving training and becoming proficient at their new tasks, along with ones that help them to track their goals and achievements.

Using the concept of employee gamification, your staff is able to learn new aspects of their position, keep track of their goals while marking them off as they are completed and view a tallied score of their achievements. These apps often incorporate contests and leaderboards to make it fun and to get everyone involved. A simple electronic tool such as this makes sure everyone is on the same page, limiting misunderstandings and leading to greater satisfaction with improved relations.

Take It Outside

One of the best ways to bring your staff closer together and to improve overall personal investment in the workplace is to leave it. That’s right. You need to get out of the office. Volunteering and philanthropy work is a fabulous way to bring people closer together while working for a good cause. It shows that your company cares about more than profits. Don’t forget that, as with other initiatives, it’s imperative that all levels of employees get involved in order to cement solidarity.

While not technically leaving the building, another strategy that improves employee morale is to incorporate themed days into the workweek, such as casual Friday, and to offer fun contests or parties for folks to have fun. These types of activities don’t take away from productivity. They renew mood and energy, leading to a better working atmosphere.

Start Them Out Right

From day one, you want to show your employees that your business cares about them and that you’re not like other companies. Ditch the temptation to offer up boring PowerPoint presentations or videos for training purposes. Instead, assign mentors and allow new staff members to actually perform tasks while learning. Make them part of the culture from the very beginning. Your efforts will likely lead to loyalty and a peaceful work environment./p>

These are just four innovative ways to increase your employee engagement. Begin with these, and then you can start branching out while creating a company culture that stands the test of time. Implement techniques that work for your specific workforce and personality types.



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