Essential Tips for Managing Your Salon Inventory

Essential Tips for Managing Your Salon Inventory
  • Opening Intro -

    Welcome to my salon’s storage room. We have shampoos and conditioners.

    And of course, there are also hair dyes, styling tools, and beauty products. Oh, and don’t forget about the towels and robes!


If you’re a salon owner or manager, you know keeping track of inventory isn’t always easy. You have a lot of products in that storage room of yours! These products come in and out, they get used on clients, and sometimes they even disappear (we know, it happens). But managing your salon inventory is essential for the success of your business. Here are some tips to help you stay on top of it all.

Keep an Organized Inventory List

The first step in managing your salon inventory is to have a detailed and organized list of all your products. This can be as simple as an Excel spreadsheet or as fancy as specialized inventory management software. The method doesn’t matter; what matters is that you have a clear and up-to-date list of everything in your storage room.

Make sure to include important information, such as product name, brand, quantity, and expiration date (if applicable). This will help you keep track of what products you need to restock and when.

Monitor Product Usage

Another important aspect of managing your salon inventory is to monitor product usage. Keep track of which products you use most and which ones aren’t as popular with your clients. This will help you determine what products to order more of and what products you may be able to phase out. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on how much product your stylists are using on each client, as this can help prevent overuse and waste.

Set Reorder Points

Setting reorder points can save you from last-minute scrambles. Determine the minimum quantity of each product you should always have on hand, and set a reminder to reorder when you reach that point.

This practice helps you maintain a steady flow of products and prevents shortages. Setting reorder points is especially helpful for high-demand items. Always having a backup supply prevents you from running out of popular products, which could lead to unhappy clients and lost business.

Rotate Stock Regularly

As with any type of inventory, it’s important to rotate it regularly. Make sure to use the oldest products first, and place new shipments behind them. This practice prevents products from expiring or going bad, which is a waste of money. It also ensures your clients are always receiving the freshest products.

Be Prepared for Outages

There may come a time when your usual products are out of stock. In this situation, you may need to choose new brands for your salon to work with. Switching things up can be scary; you may worry about client reactions and product performance. To mitigate risks, make sure you have a list of backup products you’ve tested and approved beforehand. This way, if an outage occurs, you’re already prepared with a suitable replacement.

You have a lot of products to keep track of. But keeping an eye on your inventory doesn’t have to be like keeping an eye on a loose toddler in a candy store. Follow these essential tips for managing your salon inventory, and you’ll be able to maintain a well-stocked and organized storage room without much effort.


Image Credentials: By Monkey Business, 396827006

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