4 Things Prospective Entrepreneurs Should Know About IT

4 Things Prospective Entrepreneurs Should Know About IT
  • Opening Intro -

    IT can positively contribute to the success of starting and managing a new business, but it can also negatively affect growth if improperly managed.


Below explains four things that every prospective entrepreneur should know about how IT will impact their startup.


Small businesses are just as vulnerable to security breaches as large companies are because they can be seen as easy targets by certain hackers. This is often true because small businesses are liable to downplay security risks because they believe they aren’t big enough of targets for hackers.

However, certain types of hackers prefer small businesses because they lack IT resources and knowledge. Entrepreneurs must ensure that they have anti-virus software programs on every computer. There are additional all-in-one software packages that include enhanced firewalls and browser security programs. Your new company should also have an IT team that can address all emerging threats, including those from identity theft, social engineering, and internal theft.

Low Quality Products

Using mediocre and inexpensive hardware or software is seen as an easy way to reduce costs. This is especially true for business with substantial startup costs. However, cutting corners on IT equipment will ultimately result in more costs and problems down the road. From a hardware perspective, this may occur because hardware must be replaced after only a couple of years because of shoddy workmanship.

 Low quality hardware may also cause a system crash that results in a loss of data. Cheap software programs may have limited functionality, compatibility, and tech support. It makes sense to invest money in industry-standard programs that will save time and increase productivity, especially with programs you need multiple licenses for.


Buying hardware and software is not a one-time occurrence. That is, all software and hardware will eventually become outdated and need to be updated. This may appear unnecessary and expensive because the upgrade may cost more than the price of a new product. However, old technology ends up reducing speed, efficiency and productivity. Critical updates resolve identified security risks and functionality problems. The latest hardware and software will ensure that the entrepreneur is on the same level as their partners, customers and competitors.

IT Consultants

When setting up a brand new system, it is a good idea for entrepreneurs to use outside professionals to help design their systems and strategically plan for the future. IT consultants bring exclusive expertise and experience that entrepreneurs commonly lack. They will assist with formulating long-term plans and completing complex projects, such as system upgrades or data migrations, that require highly specialized skills. IT services in Ottawa and elsewhere can also be used on an ad hoc basis for technical advice and temporary projects.

In closing, entrepreneurs can maximize productivity and time savings by putting down the initial investment costs for IT hardware, software, and professionals.



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