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Storage & Shipping

Pick, Pack, and Ship: How to Run a Successful Shipping Business

There will almost certainly always be a demand for shipping companies. After all, having a business there to help transport packages across city and state lines is a huge convenience.

Building Management

4 Types of Handyman You Want to Hire When Opening a New Business Location

Opening a new business involves a lot; for one, you have to worry about marketing and staffing. Still, there are a few things you need to worry about beyond traditional business concerns that deal with the business location itself.

Business Relocation

Considering a Business Relocation? 5 Reasons to Move Your Company

Relocating your business may be the right decision for you in order to grow your business. There are lots of reasons that this may be the right thing to do at this time.

Marketing Management

Why You Should Have a WordPress Website for Your Business

Are you looking for a professionally designed website for your small business or personal branding? WordPress, in either of the scenarios, comes as an obvious choice.

Asset Management

How to Make Sure Your Company Equipment Is Up to Code

Keeping your company’s equipment up to code is going to reduce your risk of unnecessary accidents and costly injuries. It will also help you avoid huge fines and fees from local safety boards and state commissions.

Entrepreneur Tips

Best Business Ideas for Different Regions

The thing about starting a business is that you depend on more than just an idea. You need the circumstances and the market to match your ambitions, which can be quite tricky.

Disaster Planning

Plan Today, Save Tomorrow: Is Your Business Ready to Meet the Crisis?

Hurricanes, earthquakes and human disasters. When it comes to a crisis, it’s difficult to rule out anything and everything.


How to Secure the Right Domain for Your Online Venture

Thinking of starting your own business online? The first thing you’ll need to do is build the appropriate online presence.

Raising Capital

What Are Caveat Loans And Mezzanine Finance?

Short term finance is an industry that is growing exponentially all around the world today.

Employee Issues

Employee Safety: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

For a customer to be happy, an employee must first be happy for him/her to make the customer happy.

Business Management

How to Make Better Business Decisions

Running a business requires you to make countless decisions every day. Some of them may appear small and manageable, but every single one affects your business as a whole, and therefore, everyone who works for you.

Building Management

Top 4 Commercial Roofing Types

Like homes, commercial properties are subject to a variety of roofing problems. After all, they are also exposed to the harsh elements all year round—the only difference is weather damage to a building tends to be more serious and hard to deal with compared to residential properties.

Small Business Tips

Traditional vs. Virtual Office Spaces: What’s Best for You?

Planning to start a business? If so, then one of your first considerations should be to choose between working from a traditional, leased office space or from a virtual one.