Ways To Show Employee Appreciation During the Holidays

Ways To Show Employee Appreciation During the Holidays
  • Opening Intro -

    The holiday season is steadily approaching, and with it, so are most companies' hectic, last-minute preparations for the new year.

    It might be a busy time, but your employees shouldn't be forgotten in the chaos.


By showing your employees a bit of appreciation, you can give them a surge of motivation to successfully push through these next few months.

Whether you prefer showing your appreciation with kind, verbal words or an all-out extravaganza, these ways to show employee appreciation during the holidays can help you spread some holiday cheer.

Monetary Bonuses

You can’t go wrong with money. You can distribute this classic gift in the form of bonuses, envelopes of physical cash, or pre-paid gift cards.

If you’re handing out cash, make sure that all your employees receive the same amount. Since employees can easily compare the amount of money in their envelopes, handing out different amounts to different people could breed feelings of jealousy and disappointment.

For bonuses or less physical forms of money, you can adjust the amount based off the employee’s full-time status or yearly performance.

A Physical Gift

There’s nothing more exciting than tearing up wrapping paper, bags, and boxes of presents around the holidays. If you’re giving your employees presents, it’s best to pick out something that anyone can enjoy regardless of their age or gender.

Try crowd-pleasing gifts like headphones, flowers, treat bags, or fun, matching holiday sweaters. If you’re from a smaller company, personalized gifts can go a long way. They might take some additional thought and effort to prepare, but they’re worth it.

Charitable Donations

What better way is there to kindle the spirit of giving than donating to, or volunteering with, a good cause? You can make donations in your employees’ names, preferable to an organization that they personally support.

Another great way to pay it forward is to grant your employees a non-mandatory, paid volunteer day. They can use this time to volunteer at local soup kitchens, animal shelters, and other charitable organizations.

Another charitable effort your employees can participate in together is the Toys for Tots drive. For every toy that one of your employees donates, donate one yourself.

If you can, try to make volunteering a company-wide effort. It’s a great opportunity for you and your employees to work together as a team.

Holiday Perks

Another way to show employee appreciation during the holidays is to provide your employees with some seasonal perks. The holidays are a crazy and busy time. By giving your employees holiday-exclusive perks, like flexible work arrangements, you’re granting them a much-needed reprieve from work and time to spend with their family.

You can show your appreciation through smaller benefits, too. Put out a table of holiday-themed snacks or treats, or have lunch catered for the entire duration of December.

A small, year-end party isn’t a bad idea, either. Host a gift-giving party, where your employees can play Secret Santa, snack on delicious food, and spend some time relaxing.

Image Credit: by envato.com

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