Tips for Firing a Problem Employee
There may come a time when you must fire an employee. Not just any employee, but one who has presented problems, has been repeatedly disciplined and shows no sign of reform.
How to Improve Your Business’s Curb Appeal
Good curb appeal can really aid in bringing in potential customers to a business. The store front is the first thing a person will see, thereby making or breaking a business.
About Borrowing Money for Your Small Business
There may come a point in your small business ownership where you will want to borrow money. That money may come in handy to help you purchase equipment, expand your location or even to help you meet payroll.
What Every Business Needs To Protect Confidential Information
Every day, businesses find themselves troubled with the problems of important information leaking into the wrong hands. In many cases this information is confidential, compromising not only the business but its clients as well.
5 Ways to Ensure Your Business Plant Remains Running Efficiently
Whether you own your own business plant or you are managing it, you know that it is always in your best interests to make sure that it runs smoothly.
A Public Relations Plan You Can Implement
Your business has a message, one that you are eager to get out. That message should be disseminated through a public relations plan designed to help you find new customers and increase your sales.
3 Signs You Need New Windows for Your Office Building
It’s always a good idea to replace damaged windows with new, energy efficient models, but it can be difficult to figure out when it’s time to replace windows that have simply gotten too old or just aren’t doing the job anymore.
First Tradeshow? Avoid Making a Big Mistake with these Tradeshow “Don’ts”
Although a tradeshow can be a great way to network and get your brand out into the community, many businesses fall flat when they fail to prepare.
What Is Your Business Worth?
Do you know how much your business is worth? Finding an answer to that question can be elusive, but it is something you can uncover.
Essentials of a Business Action Plan
You have a business plan in place, what provides a blueprint on how your enterprise will be run. Beyond the business plan, an action plan is necessary for carrying out your daily operation.
Taking Stock: Five Things You Didn’t Know You Needed for Your Business
When managing your business for the year, you need to think about everything that will make your process run more smoothly.
4 Methods For Finding Small Business Funding
If your small business needs a capital infusion, turning to your bank is a logical option. Even so, your bank is not the only place you should look nor will you be guaranteed a loan based simply on your current business relationship.
7 Lessons Gamers Can Teach Brand Marketers
The video game industry and the gamers that fuel it have a lot to teach brand marketers.
How to Turn Around a Flagging Business
Your business has taken its lumps and it isn’t where it should be. If things do not change its very future may be in jeopardy.