How To Show Appreciation to Remote Employees

How To Show Appreciation to Remote Employees
  • Opening Intro -

    As more and more companies switch to remote working models, they mustn’t lose sight of their most valuable commodity: their employees.

    Your team’s happiness is essential to lowering turnover rates and creating a knowledgeable, experienced staff of professionals.


To keep them satisfied, show appreciation for their hard work just as you would if they were in the office every day.

By learning a few unique methods of how to show appreciation to remote employees, you can find some fun and personal ways to show them why you value them.

Buy Them Lunch

It’s common for an office to buy a meal for the office occasionally. Sitting around to enjoy a meal with the team is an excellent way for everyone to let loose. Also, it allows them to bond for an hour in the middle of the day.

Everyone can recharge for the afternoon, and as the staff’s working relationship improves, so should their abilities.

However, remote workers lose out on this vital team-building time as they log off their computers for lunch. This is why some companies have looked for ways to incentivize their employees to participate in remote team lunches.

They do this by giving out food delivery gift cards. With the countless food delivery apps, your staff can find restaurants nearby and order something they want. Then, the whole team can eat their meals over video chat.

The gift card is a kind gesture that makes them feel more like they are in the office, enjoying each other’s company.

Mail a Handwritten Note

Especially for employees that have only ever worked remotely, it’s hard to build a personal connection with them. When people feel personally invested in something, they tend to work harder and care more.

Behind the barrier of video chat, people might not realize the company values them, so it becomes management’s responsibility to stay engaged with their team.

Handwritten notes are thoughtful gestures that have become so rare that their meaning has only increased. By sending a letter, you can highlight and put into words their value and contributions to the business’s success.

Offer Incentives

Employers worry that their staff will only do the bare minimum not to get in trouble. Without a commission, businesses sometimes struggle to motivate and promote a culture of dedication and hard work.

By offering work incentives to your employees, it gives them a goal to work toward and a reward for going “above and beyond.” The prize can be a bonus in the paycheck, company trip, store credit, or anything that the employees deem valuable.

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Not only will the incentive keep your remote employees engaged, but you can also promote your team’s hard work, hopefully motivating others.

After checking out a few ideas of how to show appreciation to remote employees, you can show your team why their hard work is valued and necessary.

Image Credit: how to show appreciation to remote employees by Adobe Stock royalty-free image #423592005

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